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The WayWord Way

A Little Bit About WayWord Books

I’m Leslie Rindoks, founder of WayWord Books. For the past two decades, I’ve worked as an editor, book designer, writer (writing as Avery Caswell), and publisher.

During this time, I have watched big box stores shift the industry to a distributor-dependent publishing model, eroding publisher profits and subsequently author royalties. At the same time, technological advances made it possible for anyone with a computer to “publish,” flooding the market with books of questionable quality.

Alongside this evolution, it has become increasingly difficult for authors to succeed. Published writers earn on average less than $7000 per year, and that includes income from teaching and speaking engagements.

In 2019, my novel Salvation won first place in a Southern fiction contest and was subsequently published by a small, independent press. It was well received—earning many five-star reviews. Despite this success, while I went on my book tour, Zöe, my pet sitter, earned more feeding my cat Poe than I earned in royalties. Don’t get me wrong, Zöe’s a great kid, but something’s seriously wrong with this math.

I thought there must be a better way—both for readers to gain access to great books, and for writers to make a living writing them.

And now there is.

WayWord Books is working to change the industry. As a subscription-based publisher, we are breaking the mold by delivering quality, first-edition books directly to readers, eliminating the need for distributors, many of which earn far more than authors, and sometimes even more than publishers.

We venture off the beaten path to find new work by topnotch writers, and combine beautifully designed books with carefully curated gifts that complement the authors’ work.

One of my favorite quotes about writing is: “The book is a party the writer throws for the reader.”

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